Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Coffee is the Fuel of Life

*Blow dust off* Cough, cough, hack.

Oh hey, look! There's a blog under here!

I know, I know... It's been a while. Going back to school has been harder than I originally imagined it would be, and then my typical overachieving-self had to go and throw an internship right into the mix, two weeks before mid-terms.

*Cue slow clap here*

Not that I'm complaining, mind. I absolutely love my internship even though I haven't progressed past doing anything more important than reading terrible manuscript submissions and feeling like a villain when I crush someone's dream of being a published author. Mwahahahaha! 

My day begins with my alarm going off and an inner pep-talk to get myself out of bed. Normally I have to bribe my brain with coffee. If you get out of bed and get ready really fast, we can go to Starbucks on the way to school. How does that sound? *Wink*

A rush to get ready and out the door. My promised stop at Starbucks somehow always takes longer if I get there early, so that regardless of when I actually leave for school, I'm always pulling into the parking lot and huffing my way across Rhyland to walk into class just as the Professor puts the roll sheet away. Yeah, well, coffee is more important than perfect attendance sometimes.

Then there are the times when I've skipped class just so I have time to do classwork. This doesn't even make sense, but I guess when my Academic Advisor told me that I shouldn't take more than three English classes and I pshaw'd him and went ahead and signed up for five, he knew what he was talking about. An English professor knowing what he's doing? What is this magic?

Then I come home, obligatorily pat the dogs on the head before quarantining them in the kitchen with the miracle of the baby gate and drown out their whining with three or four episodes of Law and Order:SVU until I either get hungry and my stomach talks me into getting up, or I fall asleep on the couch in exhaustion.

Every now and then I am able to talk myself into being a productive member of academic society and instead of coming home, I head over to Barnes & Noble where I am actually able to get class work finished. Also, they have coffee, which, let's face it, is the real reason I can 'focus'.

Right now, my life is filled with poetry, metaphors, analysis essays and lecture notes living off of whatever I can find in my cupboard that can be cooked in about three minutes and coffee. It's not healthy, but hey, I'm finally able to fit into those jeans I haven't worn since last year ;)

And really, that means I'm winning.

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