Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hairy Situations

 If its one thing that will ruin a Saturday, its cleaning. Three days ago, I went on a cleaning rampage where I got caught up on all the laundry, washed all the dishes/wiped down the counters and the stovetop. I swept the floors, made the bed, and cleared out all of the cluttered papers (read: throw away some stuff and squirrel coupons away in the desk not to be remembered until the next cleaning rampage when they are well beyond expiration date). 

However, aside from Brian, we Farmers (aka, me and the dogs) are a hairy bunch. I could collect the gross dead fur piling up all over the borders of our living room and kitchen and sculpt another dog. Maya has ingested (by accident) my hair on multiple occasions, as seen when she anxiously hops around the backyard, followed by what appears to be floating poo. Upon closer inspection, we usually find that a clump of my hair is wrapped around something, but I'm too grossed out and Brian is laughing too hard to be much help as Maya scoots her butt across the paved driveway in an attempt to loosen things. I also have literal nightmares if I go too long between shaves/eyebrow grooming where I become a pseudo Clydesdale horse/Cousin It hybrid with hair that keeps growing to cover my body. 

My handsome husband, however, appears to be on the verge of a receding hairline. Genetically, he holds a future of sporting a bushy white mustache and a combover, but right now it's like his hair is disappearing from his head to appear on other parts of his body: his caterpillar eyebrows, his shoulders, a few curly scraggles on his chest, and the rest of it, well, it wouldn't be polite to mention. 

I'm just hoping our future children come out somewhere in the happy medium: enough hair to not have to worry about a sunburn on your scalp, but not so much that a thunderstorm makes you look like you stuck your finger in an electrical socket. As for the eyebrows, let's just pray our kids don't think that shaving them off is a good grooming technique (not that I ever did anything like that). 

1 comment:

  1. Micah, I want to follow you but you have no widget for it! Look at my blog and maybe you can find it on mine, and see what I mean. I don't really know how to explain it!

    Love your writing!
